Thursday, June 23, 2011

Reality TV!

I've been watching like 6 episodes of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" and "Kourtney and Kim Take New York" and honestly.. I'M HOOKED!

After an episode ends, I'll be like "Grabeeeee", "What happened to Rob???", "Kim really has a big butt", "Kim's so pretty!" and occasionally I would punch my chest because of all the drama and stress of the episode.

Then my cousin asks me: "What makes them so interesting noh?"
Me: "I dunno."

Exactly! What makes them so interesting to watch? This question goes for other Reality TV shows like Jershey Shore and the like. Yes, the characters are really funny, goodloooking and crazy but it's not like they have much talent or skill. If ever they have, the show doesn't focus on that.

You wanna see skill?
Lizard throat
BAM! That's what I call PURE skill! 

Whatdya say Ryan Seacrest? When's the contract signing for my reality show? or... possibly.. Guinness Book of Records?

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